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Terence K. Leathers, Pastor

Terence K. Leathers, Pastor
Terence K. Leathers, Pastor

 The Reverend Dr. Terence K. Leathers was licensed to the Gospel ministry in February 1987 at James Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church in Hobgood, North Carolina. He was ordained to the Gospel ministry on November 2, 1990 at the Metropolitan Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., where he served as an associate minister under the pastorate of the Reverend Dr. H. Beecher Hicks, Jr.  In 1986, Dr. Leathers received the Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology from Howard University, and pursued further graduate study in sociology at Howard University in the fall of 1986. In January 1987, he entered the Howard University School of Divinity and received the Master of Divinity degree in May 1990.

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He has also been the recipient of several scholarships and awards, among them the James Daniel and Brittie Ann Tyms Award (for potential as a religious educator), the Alfred O. Virginia A. Diggs Award, prestigious Benjamin A Mays Fellowship awarded through a national competition sponsored by the fund for Theological Education. He received the Doctor of Ministry degree from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. in May 2004. His D.Min. project was entitled Show Me the Money: The Prosperity Gospel Movement Implications for the Twenty-first Century Church.

In recognition of his commitment to AIDS education and prevention, he was appointed by Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly as a member of the Metropolitan Washington Regional Human Immunodeficiency Virus Health Services Planning Council in 1993. Â He served on the advisory boards of the Religious Coalition for reproductive Choice National Black Church Summit on Sexuality: Breaking the Silence and the Anacostia Museum/Center for Center for African American Communities of Faith and Contemporary Society, (which showcased the history and legacy of the Black faith community of Washington, D.C. and the nation).  He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and has also served the second vice president of the Progressive Baptist Convention of Maryland.

In December 1995, Dr. Leathers conducted his first missionary trip to Queenstown, South Africa, and Mbabane, Swaziland through the auspices of the Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., where he was one of the preachers and workshop leaders for the first youth conference held in Queestown.

Dr. Leathers has dedicated himself to working with youth and the disadvantaged through the public school system, the government, and community organizations. He is licensed professional counselor. His previous positions have included:

  • Pastor, The Prince of Peace Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD, (Sept. 1997 – May 2005);
  • Director of Public Relations for the Center for Life Enrichment in Washington, D.C., where he also worked in the organizations strategic planning institutional development and funding (Jan. 1999 – Feb. 2004)
  • Deputy Director and Director of the Office of Religious Affairs under Marion Barry, Jr. (April 1998 – Dec. 1998)
  • Chief of Prevention and Youth Services for the Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration of the D.C. Government [the state level substance abuse prevention and treatment agency] (March 1995 – April 1998)
  • Coordinator of the Mayors Turning Points Program with the D.C. Department of Human Services [citywide under Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly](Aug. 1993, March 1995);
  • Director of the Mayors Turning Points Center at Evans Jr. High School in Washington, D.C.(Aug 1992-Aug.1993); And
  • Director of AIDS Prevention Services at Sasha Bruce Youthwork, Inc. (Oct. 1990 – Aug. 1992).  Under his leadership, the AIDS Prevention Services Program was rated as one of the four best AIDS prevention/education programs in the country by the U.S. Council of Mayors.

In September 2004, Dr. Leathers was appointed Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina.  He primarily gives direction to and management of Shaws nine College for Adult and Professional Education (CAPE) sites around the state. In addition to his work at Shaw University, he served as interim pastor of Poplar Springs Christian Church Raleigh from July 2005 to September 2005. He was installed as the pastor of Mount Vernon Christian Church in Clayton, North Carolina on October 29, 2005. He is married to Dr. Kim Q. B. Leathers, Dean of the Honors College at Shaw University. They are the delighted parents of a daughter, Kimille Queen Leathers.[/show_more]

Kim Leathers, Ph.D, First Lady

Kim Q. B. Leathers, Ph.D., is the Dean of the Honors College and assistant professor of sociology at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina. She was appointed to this position in September 2004.  At Shaw, she has the wonderful task of shaping and directing some of today’s brightest minds through curriculum development and academic and social activities, including participation in the National Association of African American Honors Programs and coaching the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge team (a national tournament among the nation’s top historically black colleges and universities).  Her work includes preparing students academically to pursue graduate studies and research after graduation.  She serves in numerous capacities and on several committees, including the annual Awards Day, Quality Enhancement Plan, faculty development, Learning Management System Evaluation, strategic planning and scholarship committees.

[show_more more=”Show More >” less=”Show Less ^” align=”center”]A sociologist by training, she received her Ph.D. in 1999, a master’s degree in 1987 and the bachelor’s degree in sociology (the latter with an emphasis in the administration of justice) in 1983, all from Howard University.  Her dissertation was entitled “A Historical Survey of the Sociology of the Black Church.â€?

Before coming to Shaw University, Dr. Leathers began her career at the Howard University School of Divinity in 1988 with the School’s Research Center on Black Religious Bodies.  She was the associate editor of the first edition of the Directory of African American Religious Bodies: A Compendium by the Howard University School of Divinity published in 1991.  She went on to become the associate director of the International Faith Community Information and Services Clearinghouse and Training Center (ISC), a repository of information and technical assistance on social ministry development for African American churches and the faith community globally. She was also instrumental in the program development for HUSD’s pioneering leap into distance learning, which creatively interfaced the local church with the seminary, government, non-profit and faith-based institutions around the world.  Dr. Leathers was also director of the School of Divinity’s continuing education program that grew into a thriving initiative serving 300+ students annually across the Washington metropolitan region, and an adjunct professor, teaching research methods and writing to doctoral students.  She has also conducted research on “The African American Potential in Advanced Theological Training and Vocation” for Auburn Theological Seminary’s Center for the Study of Theological Education in New York City, New York and was a member of the HIV and Substance Abuse Prevention Curriculum Interseminary Writing Team, at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

She is a recognized expert on the sociology of the Black Church, and is regularly sought after by media outlets, government personnel, students and educators for information concerning the myriad religious experiences of African Americans. In September 2002 she was a speaker at the “Conference on African-African American Cooperation in the Global Fight Against HIV/AIDS,� a part of the Secretary’s Open Forum (Secretary of State), cosponsored by the Constituency for Africa and held during the Ronald H. Brown African Affairs Series.  She has appeared on National Public Radio, the Bev Smith Show, WUSA Channel 9 and for the Afro-American History Society of the National Archives and Records Administration to talk about the 2003 biography of Maggie L. Walker (A Right Worthy Grand Mission: Maggie Lena Walker and the Quest for Black Economic Empowerment by Gertrude W. Marlowe) on whom she did her Master’s thesis.  

Her public service efforts have included membership on the Nellie M. Quander Memorial Scholarship Fund committee (an endowed scholarship fund at Howard University) and in Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.  She is also on the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice’s “National Black Religious Summit on Sexuality: Breaking the Silenceâ€? advisory board, and served on the Regional Alcohol and Drug Awareness Resource (RADAR) Network National/International Steering Committee for a number of years.  She is a member of the National Association of African American Honors Programs.  She was the chairperson of the nationally renowned H. Beecher Hicks, Sr. Institute of Great Preaching held annually at Metropolitan Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. from 1997 to 2001.  She is active in Mt. Vernon Christian Church in Clayton, North Carolina, serving on the technology committee and in training and  educational efforts of the church.  She is a member of the Association for the Study of Africal American Life and History, the NAACP and  life and “silver starâ€? (25 year+) member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 

She is married to the Rev. Dr. Terence K. Leathers. Â A dedicated duo, she works closely with her husband, who is the president of Community Anchors, Ltd., (which develops and maintain programs and services to assist individuals of natural and industrial disasters in North Carolina) and pastor of Mt. Vernon Christian Church in Clayton, North Carolina. Â They are the delighted parents of a daughter, Kimille Queen Leathers.[/show_more]

The Deaconete

As dedicated servants of the church, the Deaconate Board seeks to live daily for Christ through work deed. Its main purpose is to ensure the care of the congregation, prompting faith, harmony, and the spirit of cooperation among the members. They work diligently with the pastor, the under shepherd of the flock. Deacons are expected to be exemplanary in their deportment, setting example of faithfulness and leadership for the congregation.



As financial and legal officers of the church, the trustees insure that the edifice and properties of Mount Vernon Christian church are maintained in a safe, suitable and operational manner where the people of God can come and worship.  They are also charged with tending and protecting funds in a secure and accurate manner and attend to legal and business matters of the church.

The Finance Ministry is charged with maintaining accurate records of church finances.  The trustees, financial secretary, treasurer, and finance committee work together to prepare, organize and monitor the annual budget, record contributions and prepare financial reports as necessary.


Church Administration


Associate Ministers